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Hire wisely: how helps to minimize staffing mistakes

Hire wisely: how helps to minimize staffing mistakes

Recently the sphere of personnel selection has changed enormously. New technologies are radically reforming the approach of the market and employers to the issue of personnel search and selection.

Interestingly, many decisions in recruiting are made intuitively. Various studies have shown that most HR managers conclude about a candidate within the first 60 seconds of a meeting. And this is despite the billions of dollars that go into developing assessments and tests used in recruitment. Statistics speak for themselves: on average, 30-40% of candidates are selected incorrectly. It begs the question: how do you avoid mistakes? The answer is simple: combine your own experience and Artificial Intelligence.

As we know, nowadays, the mastery of technical skills is only a small percentage of success. The most profitable companies show the highest financial performance thanks to competent hiring. They rely on emotional and psychological characteristics. That's why CallPanda was created to help your business stay ahead of the curve with a strong team. We use years of proven testing methods. At the heart of our AI service are psychological tests by the world's leading scientists. We regularly update test bases and hire new psychologists.

Artificial Intelligence and robotization are among the most promising areas of development of the modern recruitment market. For example, our robot recruiter Panda constantly learns to converse with a candidate. It can now recognize emotions during video interviews, record conversations, send SMS, letters, and invitations to candidates, and much more. We are convinced that this is guaranteed to increase the chance of a job response. And that's just the beginning! According to our estimates, the recruiter robot reduces time and labor costs for recruitment by at least ten times.

Equally important is the automation of business processes. We can distinguish three areas: video interview, test programs, and candidate evaluation system. Now you are no longer tied to the office chair; you can save time and money, work remotely, and view interview records and test results at your convenience. Focus on what's most important! These features are already available and put together on the platform.

And the latest HR trend is aggregation. Resume aggregators allow you to aggregate job seekers into a single database and automatically categorize them. Imagine: all you have to do is upload your resume and forget about the monotonous routine forever.

With, you will see improvements in productivity, efficiency, and employee well-being. All you have to do is be prepared to invest wisely in the future.
